
Database of Archival Documents in the Open Research Center for Minamata Studies

This database was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP218038, JP238028, JP248023, JP268016 and JP15HP8022.

Database of Archival Documents in the Open Research Center for Minamata Studies

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  6.  By its nature, these original materials of database may include misinterpretation of facts, discriminatory or prejudicial terms or some other expressions such as depictions that could bring discomfort. These materials do not represent the opinions of the owner of the copyright and we ask that these materials be utilized with an understanding the intent of the database.
Archival Documents of the On-site Research Center for Minamata Studies in Minamata City
Archival Documents of the Open Research Center for Minamata Studies (Kumamoto Gakuen University)