In front of main gate of Chisso Minamata plant - 2

- Picketers blocking the main gate of the Chisso Minamata plant. On the top of the sound truck, a person standing with a microphone can be seen. On August 11th, approximately 100 members of the second union marched around the city to arrive at the gate, then got into a skirmish with approx. 300 picketers. Meanwhile, some 400 members of the second union found their way into the plant and went back to work.
- The present scenery around the main gate of Chisso Minamata plant. The Showa-Bunko and the Distribution Office have disappeared.
Reference sources
- The Edo Period:
The Picture Map of Ashikita-gun, Collection of Kumamoto Gakuen University Library, the late Edo Period. - The Meiji Period:
The Japanese National Atlas at the end of Edo Period and in the Meiji Period, Kashiwa Shobo, Collection of Kumamoto Gakuen University Library, 1983.