Mr. Tadao Matsuzaki [the president of the Chisso Minamata Disease Patients Federation]
- Place
- Meshima, Ashikita-machi, Kumamoto
- Date

- Mr. Tadao Matsuzaki [the president of the Chisso Minamata Disease Patients Federation]
- He was born in 1930 and raised in Meshima, Ashikita-machi, Kumamoto prefecture. Possessing a vast knowledge of the changes in fishery from the prewar era to the present, he is one of the few fishermen who have lived since the beginning of the Minamata incidents. Certified as a Minamata disease patient in 1973, he strongly believed that those who had shared the food out of the same pan should be certified. He called on those who were not certified to get medical checkups. This is called the campaign to promote application for certification, according to Japanese Pollution-related Health Damage Compensation Law. With Mr. Teruo Kawamoto and other members, he promoted the cause for the uncertified patients. The movement of the uncertified patients in the village of Meshima became most active among the districts along the Shiranui Sea.